Custom Programming for Any Website

One of the more common questions that we are asked begins with something like – “Is there a way that we could…”

web designThe answer quite simply is, “If you can think of it…we can probably accomplish it online.”

Appnet has designers adept at creating dynamic websites that implement databases and other custom programming solutions to make your website interactive.

Database-driven web pages are different than static web pages because they work in real-time. Where a static web page is set up by a designer and uploaded to the server, database-driven web pages are updated immediately, based on the current information contained in the database.

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Database-driven web pages provide you with the ability to update your website as often as necessary, without requiring any additional computer or programming skills. By accessing the manager menu of your site with a username and password, you can control the content of your site and update information such as prices, products, newsletters, articles and more.

By adding dynamic pages to your website, you are able to keep your site content up-to-date and accurate, using the simplest process possible.

We are experienced at implementing solutions in ASP, PHP, XML, and we utilize many of today’s most popular databases including MySql, Microsoft Access, and more.

Some of the key features database driven pages provide are:

Maintenance of your content via a set of web-based data entry formsAbility to upload new images to your site at the click of a buttonCustom categorization based on your needsInventory search

If you have a specific programming project in mind please contact us for a free consultation.

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