Think Locally – A different approach to destination marketing.

destination marketingGone are the days of stopping at the Welcome Center to find information. Today destination marketing is all about the internet. Never before has so much information been as readily accessible as it is now. So how does your area get noticed? As the internet evolves so does the way people use it. There is a trend toward local content. Although some of the national tourism and vacation related websites have cool features, how much “local flavor” are they really able to contribute. Social media is a form of local content. It allows people you know, or might not know, to provide information you find useful. They don’t have “an angle” so the information is better received and more valued.

Appnet has been promoting tourism for 15 years. Our approach is from the perspective of the visitor. What information are they looking for? How do you provide a value added, enjoyable experience that engages people and gets them excited? You must make them feel like they’re getting the same information the locals are. But then you have to get them to find you – on Google, somehow- somewhere . Google says you need content or a good Pay Per Click strategy or both. We can help.

Appnet has designed innovative websites to serve the needs of businesses that rely on tourism. We have worked with CVB’s ,  TDA’s, Chambers, Vacation Rentals, Hotels, Resorts, Golf Courses and nearly every other type of business dependent on the Travel and Tourism industry.

We created a series of websites that brought millions of people from multiple states to a targeted area. We combined content and information about golf courses, hiking trails, ski resorts, etc., with live HD quality streaming web cams, live weather station data, local restaurant information, and other outdoor activities to market these destinations and provide visitors with a “We’ve got to go there!” experience.

Using technology in new ways is what we do.

Creative – Innovative – Appnet 

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