hotel website design

Tourism and travel information has never been so accessible. Your hotel website design should take advantage of the latest technologies available to optimize your digital presence. People are still looking for “VACANCY”  signs, but now it’s on the internet.  Travelers are looking for enough information to make an educated choice.   A low quality website for ANY hotel will knock them out of consideration. It may even be a subconscious decision. High quality imagery, compelling color schemes, and responsive website designs are important parts of generating more online business.

$597 Billion was spent on leisure travel in the United States last year. To be competitive, you must have a digital strategy that AT LEAST gets you in the game. The small website that worked a few years ago is not working to your advantage anymore. Can people view your website easily no matter what device their on? Responsive website design does just that. Mobile, laptop, tablet, desktop, and large screen tv’s all automatically display your website based on the visitors browsing device. In order to be successful on the internet, you must actively take part. Full CMS allows you to be an active part of the internet.

“ Just over a year ago Appnet created a website for us and since that time, due to their SEO expertise , we’ve seen our web traffic increase substantially and it continues to climb. The changes for search on the internet are rapid and Appnet keeps my site producing in ways that I could not possibly keep up with on my own.”

Keith YeatmanSales & Marketing DirectorRamada Asheville Southeast

responsive website design

Your online presence tells travelers whether your elegant and luxurious, or casual and relaxing. The look, feel, and flow of a website, much like a hotel, needs to be crisp and clean, yet still welcoming and informative. Local information is a great way to help those out-of-towners feel like they’re “in the know”. Including area info on landmarks, hangouts, special events and links on your website to and from select local websites is also a healthy way to boast your search engine rankings.

hotel website design

We have been helping hotel, bed & breakfast, and vacation rental businesses navigate the evolution of the internet for 18 years. As tourism website designers we understand what the latest technologies and trends are. As destination marketing professionals, we understand how to convert visitors into guests. See the hotel website case study in Asheville, NC that shows how you CAN win rankings in a competitive market. Let us put our experience to work for you.

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