In its simplest form, search engine optimization is really about using logic. At AppNet, we combine keyword research, link management that follows Google and industry best practices, and targeted content creation to attract top rankings, visitors, increased lead generation and sales.

Understanding History

1 (B.G.) (A.G.)(be·fore goo·gle) (af·ter goo·gle)noun / be-4 goo-gul af-tur goo-gul /Definition of: (B.G) – (A.G.)

1 – The period that divides our lives into two distinct eras: before Google (BG) and after Google (AG)

AppNet has been building a ‘natural bridge’ from web design to  search marketing for more than 17 years (B.G.) and things have changed dramatically since (A.G.). In just the last two years Google has applied more than (40) algorithm updates that effectively changed the way that websites rank and it’s important to have a team that can work with you to guarantee success.

seo services

Our Approach

SEO campaigns are highly complex and always changing. Our methodology is designed to gather the proper information from YOU, our client, about your business, your area of coverage and any pertinent insight about your competition, etc.  Whether your business is local, regional or international we will formulate a content strategy that targets your website visitors and converts them into customers.

AppNet will take the following steps in order to provide you with the most effective SEO campaign possible.

  1. We establish a baseline of where your website ranks currently with an initial keyword ranking report.
  2. Perform a website analysis of what is and isn’t working properly.
  3. Competitive analysis (How do you stack up against your competition?)
  4. Keyword analysis
  5. Integrating Google accounts such as Google analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
  6. Armed with the data in steps 1-6, we then provide a blueprint of what is needed to achieve our/your goals.


Website SEO Blueprint

Depending on the results of our analysis, we will perform any or all of the following:

  • Site map Creation
  • HAM Tags (H, Alt and Meta Tags)
  • Keyword Dense Content
  • Broken Link correction
  • SE Friendly URL Rewrites
  • WWW Redirects
  • Blog Integration
  • Load time Check
  • Robots File Creation
  • HTML to Text Review
  • RSS Feed Integration
  • Outbound Link Analysis
  • Inside Page Analysis
  • Existing Traffic Analysis (SemRush, Compete, Google Analytics)
  • Duplicate Content Review
  • Google Penalty Check
  • Google Webmaster Error Analysis
  • And More!

Leave your SEO worries behind…Get a Free Quote Today



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