Custom Programming

What is custom programming? Why might you need it?

Custom programming can range from simple tweaks that you may want for how an eCommerce website handles shipping or delivery to multiple destinations – to massive website programming projects like we’ve handled for April’s Catering World, Moishe’s Self Storage in New York, and others.

More often than not, there are themes or platforms that can be used for things like eCommerce or hotel booking engines and more. These types of packages are often almost perfect for handling many solutions. However, we are often presented with a new idea or twist on how a client might want their eCommerce website to work.

The “ocean of developers” who work within WordPress, WooCommerce, and the thousands of plugins have now made it possible for designers and developers to save tons of time in development, thereby saving clients tons of money on design and development costs.

Chances are, no matter what your specific website or functionality needs are, there is a solution that will be sufficient. However, there are also times that it isn’t sufficient.

That is where custom programmers can help. Custom programming is functionality we add to your website that is not part of any standard or out-of-the-box platform and it relies on programming languages such as javascript, php, or jquery. These are all computer languages that have complex logic and syntax.

Most websites are created with “markup” languages like CSS and HTML that cannot perform logical operations, but simply display text and pictures in different formats. However, most websites these days are also largely driven by built-in programming that comes with WordPress and WooCommerce, as well as add-on plugins, etc.

When you speak with one of our experienced consultants, we will inform you if your specific wishes require custom programming.

How much does custom programming cost?

Before beginning a custom programming project we will give you an estimate as to how long we think the project will take. Appnet New Media Studio has been in business for nearly 25 years and our design team and developers are pretty good at listening to your ideas or special requirements and then estimating how many days, weeks, or months a project might take.

However, when it comes to special functionality requirements sometimes “what we don’t know, we can’t quote”. We can’t possibly know ahead of time if you’re going to have new ideas or requirements that present themselves amid such work. Probably 80% of the time, there will be no surprises. However, we have often found that clients get excited about how things are going through the development and testing and they come up with additional and new ideas and requirements.

For this reason, sometimes custom programming work is more of a build-to-suit type project. In cases like that, we would require a smaller deposit and simply go to work and the client would then be asked to fund the project along – perhaps weekly or monthly until completion.

Because custom programming projects can be quite complex and because as we work through a solution – new problems sometimes become evident, and therefore we cannot guarantee a price for custom programming projects. If it appears the project is going to go over budget, we will let you know, and you can choose whether you want to proceed with the project.

That is Why it Important to Know Who You Can Trust.

Appnet New Media is honest to a fault. We work fast and efficiently and we communicate regularly throughout any custom design project to ensure that you are comfortable every step of the way.

However, talk is cheap. Any firm will tell you they can be trusted. Don’t take our word for it. Check out our many 5-star reviews and testimonials.

We have some major custom programming clients and we’d be happy to provide references as needed.

Let’s Do This…

Know before you go.

Because custom programming projects can be quite complex and because as we work through a solution – new problems sometimes become evident and therefore we cannot guarantee a price for custom programming projects. If it appears the project is going to go over budget, we will let you know, and you can choose whether you want to proceed with the project.

That is why it is important to know who you can trust.

Appnet New Media Studios is honest to a fault. We work fast and efficiently and we communicate regularly throughout any custom design project to ensure that you are comfortable every step of the way.

However, talk is cheap. Any firm will tell you they can be trusted. Don’t take our word for it. Check out our many 5-star reviews and testimonials.

We have some major custom programming clients and we’d be happy to provide references as needed.

Let’s do this…

Give us a call
(828) 963.7286